If you are a student with a disability, impairment or medical condition you are encouraged to consult with the Access and Disability Support Coordinator if you believe you may require support or adjustments in enrolling, accessing, participating and succeeding in your CAE course on the same basis as other students.
Seeking advice early makes it easier for CAE to assist in consulting with you and arranging any adjustments or support.
How we can help:
- meet with you to discuss your needs
- negotiate adjustments and support arrangements decided via a Learning Support Plan
- assist in discussion with teachers
What you can do:
- make us aware of your needs as early as possible
- tick the disability box on your enrolment form
- if comfortable, discuss your needs directly with your teacher
- contact the Access and Disability Support Coordinator to consult confidentially (see below)
- provide information about your disability or medical condition from an appropriate health professional
Support arrangements can include:
- liaising with your teachers
- assisting you with technology, equipment or alternate formats
- arranging adjustments to assessments
Further information about the Learners with a Disability Policy and Procedure can be found on our Policies & Procedures page.
For more information or to discuss specific support needs, please contact our Access and Disability Support Coordinator on 8892 1612 or email dls@cae.edu.au