Art enthusiasts are in for a treat as the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) presents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience the remarkable works of the legendary Dutch artist, Rembrandt. From his early years in Leiden to his later masterpieces in Amsterdam, the exhibition offers a captivating journey through the artistic evolution of this seventeenth-century genius. As you immerse yourself in Rembrandt’s masterpieces, discover how you can ignite your own artistic spark through the Centre for Adult Education’s (CAE) engaging drawing courses.

Discover the Artistic Genius

Step into the world of Rembrandt as the NGV showcases over 100 etchings, paintings, and drawings from the NGV Collection and prestigious international galleries. This extraordinary exhibition reveals the depth and breadth of Rembrandt’s creative innovation, spanning themes such as self-portraits, portraits, religious motifs, landscapes, nudes, and genre scenes. Experience firsthand Rembrandt’s ability to infuse psychological complexity into his narrative scenes and portraits, providing insight into his mastery of storytelling through images.

Unleash Your Inner Artist

As you marvel at Rembrandt’s artistic brilliance, the CAE invites you to explore your own creative potential through their range of drawing courses. Take inspiration from Rembrandt’s techniques and embark on a journey of self-expression through the following courses:

Portrait & Self-Portrait Drawing

Learn the art of capturing human expression through portrait and self-portrait drawing. Discover the structure and proportions of the face while experimenting with pencil, charcoal, and ink. Unleash your creativity and bring faces to life on paper.


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Streetscape Sketching

Immerse yourself in the vibrant streets of Melbourne as you learn the basics of perspective drawing and sketching. Capture the essence of iconic laneways, such as Degraves Street, while honing your artistic skills.


Drawing: Intro

Whether you’re a novice or more experienced and seeking to refine your drawing skills, this comprehensive course covers various techniques and materials required to create representational drawings. Develop your artistic abilities and unlock your potential.


Drawing Pet Portraits

Learn the art of capturing the unique characteristics and personality of your beloved pet using charcoal or pencil. Master the techniques of proportion, shading, and texture to create lifelike pet portraits that will become cherished keepsakes.


Drawing: Beginners

Delve into the world of still-life arrangements and explore essential drawing principles such as composition, tone, shading, and proportion. Unleash your creativity and express your unique perspective through art.


The Rembrandt exhibition at NGV offers a mesmerizing glimpse into the artistic genius of a true master. As you marvel at Rembrandt’s works, let the inspiration ignite your own artistic journey. The CAE provides an opportunity for you to explore and develop your drawing skills through their engaging courses. Channel your creativity, unlock your potential, and join a community of aspiring artists as you embark on a path of self-expression with CAE.