Course Summary

Who are they? Is there proof that they exist? Jacquie Wise will show you that everyone has a team of Guides or Angels helping them through life’s journey. We will discuss scientific evidence and experience how to meet our Guides and how to notice and understand the messages they give us. Who are your soulmates and how do we find them? This course is a companion to YOUR SOUL’S JOURNEY, although the content is completely separate.

Because groups are small, Jacquie can work with you individually to answer your questions and help you get messages from your Guides. Guided meditations will enable you to meet whatever Guide chooses to come forward with a message. Success guaranteed: any person unable to tap into their Guide’s energy will be assisted by Jacquie.

  • Understand your weird personal experiences and get your questions answered.
  • Clear your fear of evil presences and learn how to tell the difference
  • Understand the purpose of Guides in your life and how they reach you
  • Meet one or more of your Guides
  • Walk away with a toolkit you can follow easily to communicate with your Guides

Those who apply the techniques learnt will develop the ability to notice and understand messages from their Guides throughout their lives.

Jacquie Wise has worked as a counsellor and psychotherapist in private practice since 1981. Added to a life-long study of mystical traditions and religions, Jacquie has gained a deep understanding of universal laws and the higher plan for our lives. Her personal intuitive experiences date from when she was a small child. She prefers to describe herself as an intuitive, rather than as a clairvoyant.


I am so thankful I attended your course. I don’t feel so alone any more. I’m getting better at seeing the signs I get. It’s amazing! I never knew there was so much guidance around me that I never noticed before! I can’t thank you enough for opening my eyes. KH

You may remember me, Jacquie. I came to your course because I was terrified of an experience I had of a presence suffocating me when I was in bed. Thank you so much for clarifying what it really was and removing my fear of sleeping. You answered so many of my questions. I’m so glad I met you. Thanks for everything. JN

You’re amazing, Jacquie. Thank you for your clear explanations and especially for the messages you gave me from my Guide it was also so fascinating listening to everyone else and sharing stories. KW

Course Sessions

Saturday, 15th February - 1 class

Session ID DNBA6001C
15 Feb - 15 Feb 10:00am - 4:00pm
Location CBD
Session Fees
$225 / $214 (conc)
Jacquie Wise
Last updated: January 22, 2025 04:51pm