Our Singing courses cover vocal anatomy and health, warm up exercises, controlling nerves, correct breathing and pronunciation, vocal techniques (like vibrato, rhythm, and phrasing), interpreting lyrics, plus a brief history of your chosen music genre and the artists who have made it so popular.
Please note: All courses without ‘online’ in the title refer to a face to face delivery.
Perfect start for the inexperienced but passionate singer. In a relaxed environment, learn basic vocal techniques, develop singing confidence and experience the joy of contemporary pop/rock songs, supported by a professional singer and tutor. Put the FUN into Fundamentals.
Monday, 17th February - 6 classes
Session ID
17 Feb - 24 Mar
5:30pm - 8:00pm
Session Fees
$396 / $376 (conc)
$396 / $376 (conc)
Helen Ryder
Helen Ryder
Over two consecutive Saturdays explore your singing voice in a fun and supportive workshop learning the fundamentals of vocalising by performing songs as a group and individually with guidance and positive feedback.
Currently, we have no dates scheduled for this course. Please contact us via email enquiries@cae.edu.au to register your interest.
Performing Arts Courses Coming Up
Fundamentals of Singing: Finding Your Own Voice and Singing from the Heart
Perfect for all levels of students passionate about singing.
Have you had a break from vocal practice and are looking to re-immerse...
Guitar - Beginners
This captivating course of class-based guitar lessons will teach you chords, simple strumming techniques and finger picking. You will learn...