Course Summary

Learn techniques to change negative or anxious thoughts into optimism, create new neural pathways in your brain, and evidence-based processes to become a magnet for new opportunities and success. Become the person you’d like to be, living your best life.

You will learn plenty of techniques to address your emotions and attitudes, as well as for working with universal laws of Manifestation and Attraction. Jacquie Wise runs her classes like private coaching sessions. Be prepared to have your questions answered.

• Identify which of the common mind traps you fall into
• Identify and challenge your destructive core beliefs
• What you resist, persists. Why?
• Eight ways to become an optimist
• How to create new neural pathways to change negative thinking
• How the Laws of Attraction and Manifestation work (evidence-based)
• How to prevent sabotaging your process
• How you can manifest the life you want
• How you can turn yourself into the person you’d like to be

The course is ideal for anyone who wants to be happier and to turn their lives around.

Jacquie Wise is a Transpersonal Counsellor, Master Certified Coach and facilitator of workshops aimed at transforming lives. She has been in private practice as a psychotherapist for over 40 years, specialising in self-esteem issues. She is the author of a number of personal development books. Jacquie Wise uses years of experience in this specialised field to explain how to understand and use universal laws to attract positive outcomes into your life.

Student endorsements:

  • ‘I want to thank you for helping me rid my life of my childhood demons and teach me how to take control of my thoughts, my actions and my responses.  You were right, it has been a “beautiful” journey that I have embarked on.  Thank you for saving me from my “old self”. GR
  • ‘Your course covered a lot more than I expected.  You’ve answered so many questions I had about the way the universe works.  Everything makes sense to me now and I understand how to attract better people, better opportunities, and how to change my thinking patterns that create obstacles. I can’t thank you enough for making it so clear.’ GBS

  • ‘You are a true star. You have made so many changes yourself. If I can get 1/20th of your joy at life, I’ll be winning. Thank you for being a terrific role model, showing us what is possible no matter what has happened in the past.’ ST

Please bring a note pad and pen and your list of questions and have ready the handouts that Jacquie will send you in advance of the class.

Course Sessions

Saturday, 27th July - 1 class

Session ID DNV86703C
27 Jul - 27 Jul 10:00am - 4:00pm
Location CBD
Session Fees
$205 / $195 (conc)
Jacquie Wise

Please bring a note pad and pen and your list of questions and have ready the handouts that Jacquie will send you in advance of the class.

Last updated: May 9, 2024 04:36pm