Trust us. Those skills you picked up at school are not completely gone, you just need a short refresher course.

Ever wish you had kept studying that second (or even third) language in primary or secondary school? Many Aussies begin learning a language, but few continue their studies beyond school. Whether you studied French, German, Japanese, Mandarin or even Latin, you can refresh those language skills with a course at the Centre for Adult Education (CAE).

Whether you’re a novice, or needing to brush up on conversation skills, or wanting to build on what you already know, CAE’s language courses are designed to help you read, speak, and write in your chosen language.

Here are four steps to pick up a language you haven’t studied since school:

1. Reconnect with the Language You Love

The best part of learning a language at CAE is it won’t just be about tenses – though there will be a bit of that! Learning will be built around conversations on culture, film, food, art and more. It is a lot easier to stay committed to studying, when you love what you are learning and can connect with the culture. Check out CAE’s list of language courses.


2. Get your Proficiency Level Assessed

Before you jump into a class and get the resources you need, you can have your proficiency level assessed by one of CAE’s qualified teachers, to see how much you recall. This ensures that you learn at a level suited to you – from basic to expert and everything in between. Get your free language assessment today.


3. Join a Class and Meet Fellow Language Enthusiasts

CAE’s foreign language classes are all no judgement zones. Everyone is there to learn, so don’t worry about getting your tenses wrong, mixing up articles or nailing the pronunciation. Our professional teachers will be there to give feedback and help you. And rather than using an App, you’ll find it’s much easier to learn with real conversation buddies.


4. Make it a Fun Part of your Routine

Taking a CAE language course gives you a proper language learning routine. This will help to build your skills and confidence, and you will be more disciplined and stay on track. Imagine the amazing feeling you will have when you order a meal in another language or hold a conversation with a native speaker of that language. You’ll be so proud of your communication skills!


Check out CAE’s range of short language courses and start today!


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