The movement you choose to give your character can include running, falling, sitting. Your characters mood is communicated through your characters body language and facial expression including, happy, sad, surprised etc. You will bring personality to your character by how you dress them and the objects you choose to give them. This course will include: (i) facial features including eyes/nose /eyebrows/ ears and hair (ii) basic body shape including arms and legs (iii) elements of clothing i.e. glasses/hats/shoes (iv) implied movement (running, jumping) (v) implied mood (happy, sad, surprised). The hand-drawn artwork will be converted into a digital image. A basic animated GIF of your character will be created in Photoshop.
Students will have the opportunity in the first class to build a character from scratch, however if you already have a character, please bring it in. This course will involve building a basic GIF in Photoshop, no experience of this program is required.