Course Summary

If you could have anything you wanted in your life, what would your life look like? Learn how to uplift your vibrations to match the vibrations of your dreams. Life coach Jacquie Wise will clarify confusions and misinformation and will walk your through the 8 stages of attracting what you want. You don’t have to know how it will come into your life, you just need to know how to lay the groundwork, eliminate blockages and be ready to receive.

Participants will have all their questions answered and will gain practical techniques that will enable them to change the direction of their lives. They will understand how to work with the natural, physics-based laws of the universe to create their desired reality. Participants who regularly apply the principles and techniques demonstrated will see their lives gradually changing in the direction of their focus.


  • Understand Universal Laws and how they work together
  • The Laws of Attraction and Manifestation—are they different?
  • Claim your power to shape your life and your world
  • Understand what vibrations are and how they work
  • Gain clarity on what you want in your life – and what you need
  • Understand what it takes to get your vibrations into alignment
  • Eight practical stages of manifesting what you want
  • How it works and what to do when it doesn’t
  • Manifesting isn’t like making a wish or casting a magic spell. It’s a way of life
  • Where your focus goes, your energy flows
  • Can you reverse a creative momentum if you change your mind?
  • If like attracts like, then what about ‘opposites attract’?
  • If we can create a better world, then why is the world in such a bad state?

Jacquie Wise is a counsellor and lived-experience psychotherapist, in private practice for 40 years. She discovered how to work with the laws of a universe as a child. This led to lifelong study into philosophy and metaphysics. Her first qualification was in Transpersonal Counselling, which encompasses the spiritual (non-denominational) aspects of life. Her deep understanding of both psychology and metaphysics informs her therapeutic work.

Please bring a note pad and pen and a list of questions.

Currently, we have no dates scheduled for this course. Please contact us via email to register your interest.

Please bring a note pad and pen and your list of questions and have ready the handouts that Jacquie will send you in advance of the class.

Last updated: February 10, 2025 04:33pm